Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The DR is Sweet

Well things are good here we have lots of great investigators and baptismal dates. We are really slowing down though. Elder Macy is leaving on Monday and will be done with his mission. He doesnt want to do as much stuff adn is sleeping in and not himselve. But i keep up beat and try my best. My next companion and I are going to take off and work super hard. Transfers are Tuesday and i dont know if im leaving or not. Im still in my first area but we have tonsd of investigators adn i dont think hell move me. He usually puts greenies in their first area for 6 months. So i hope i can stay. I love my area and the people here. Especially our investigators, their awesome and we are also really good friends with the members. Our Zone will be really diffrent at transfers. Almost ´half of the zone is leaving and we are getting a new zone leader. I love the Dominican Elders im living with. They are cool adn super funny. But sometimes a little too much. But thats just being dominicans. I hope that i can get a dominican companio. That would be sweet. All dominicans are crazy. I found that out the first weeek in the field. Ive seen the weirdest and strangest things and stuff in the world. But thats why I love this place. It fits me perfect. ahhaha. Well Im realizing lots of stuff in my mission and that i can be better in all things. Ive really found the power of prayer and my testimony has never been stonger. My spanish is getting way better and i love to speak it. Its easier to understand and speak now. My goal is to speak perfect spanish by the time i leave. Its more like a wish but im really going to work hard to speak very well. Well the other day we took pictures of vladmirs house, his guards with shotguns let us in. It was tight. His house is huge. He got home last week and we see him driving his White Escalade. But i guess he dosnt like to talk to outsiders of his family and freidships. I probably wouldnt either. I also found out that Miguel Tejada lives in Bani. Thats where im writing from. Bani is My Zone. Well thats about it. I love you all and wish you the best.



Anonymous said...


It's Kris dude. I miss you tons man. Life's been crazy without you here. Can't wait for you to be back!!!

I'm glad to hear that things have been going well for you. I hope you are having a great time, and being successful at your mission.

Just remember Spud, you are A MAN! THE MAN!!

Peace out my brother.


Becca Jones said...

Elder Anderson!

Looks like your doing wonderful! Keep smiling and stay positive! No matter if you're transfered or not, the Lord knows where you need to be. You're an amazing example and I look up to you so much. I keep you in my prayers, hoepfully you can see the blessings from them.


Becca Jones