Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Hey Everyone. How is life? Im so glad to be a missionary here in Nizao. Its awesome. This week we worked super hard and worked a lot with less actives. It really is sad that almost all all of them dont go to church because backbiting and talking among the members. I forgot the word in English but in spanish it is chisme. Sorry. That was weird. I have actually forgotton much of english because i have noone to talk to in english. Leo bore his testimony again in sacrament meeting and is feeling great for his baptism next week. He is awesome and loves the church and the Book of Mormon. he spoke a lot on the peace and joy he feels in the church. We also had a lady drop here baptismal date because she wants to wait for her husband. But she is cool and We are going to try and teach her husband the best we can. But he drinks and smokes a ton and has also beat her a couple times. We also learned a lot about boat building from one of our investigators witha baptismal date. His name is Daniel. He also is going to stop his coffee drinking after we taught the word of wisdom. I dont have a lot of time this week but Ill e mail you more next week. Sorry. I love you all and pray for all of you each day and night. Ill also send some sweet pictures. WOOOHOOO.

Elder Anderson

1 comment:

Becca Jones said...

Hey Spencer!

Glad to hear you're doing well! I love hearing about it! I'll pray for the less actives in the area- hopefully they'll feel the Spirit and be guided to the true church! Thanks for your example!

Love you!

-Becca Jones