Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Why Hello!

Hello Everyone. Everything is great here. I love Los Alcarrizos. Well this week was interesting. I had a great time watching confrence this week. It was very neat seeing the mantle of the prophet be passed to Thomas S Monson. I really have much respect for him. I love his tender stories and grat council. I know he is a prophet of God. I really enjoyed the whole 2 days of learning. I belive the in last 2 confrences I paid the most I have ever done in my life. Being a missionary I really have gotten to know my spiritual side very much. I have always been a work hard, play hard kind of guy. I like my play time but when It comes to the things that really matter I do them. I have such a strong testimony of the church. I have seen and felt so many things that I cannot deny this message. I really do have a firm belief in Jesus Christ he is the perfect example. We also have a prophet to lead and guide us. ONe thing that I have noticed is that all of the 12 Apostales is diffrent. They each bring something to the table. Im so thankful for my uniqueness. I know im not the best misionary or the best teacher, or know everything, but I am Elder Anderson. I have a testimony of this gospel. Thats all we need to be a qualified apostle. This week had its ups and downs. On monday the day after conference Elder Russell and I dropped two people from our teaching list. These two had baptizmal dates. They keeped putting them back. After the third time we said we couldnt teach them anymore because they wont progress further. It was so hard to drop them. They are very great persons but they will not commit and be baptized. We are teachers and that is our job. We taught all we could and that was it. But as long as we keep and follow the counsel of our mission president we will be blessed. 2 weeks ago in our interviews with the President. He talked to us individially about getting and dropping investigators. He had a cup with him and he taught me a great parable of churning milk to make creme at the top. Those people how will not be baptized will have to be thrown out and later they might be added again, when they are ready. We should also be getting a new onvestigator every day. This is the goal he has asked us to accomplish. So now we come to the cool part. The same night on which we dropped the 2 people, we recived a reference from another missionary. The next day we recived another reference from a missionary. I know this was God blessing us for following our liders. We are so blessed here. ONe investigator Narobi actually defended and taught other people about the church. I was so proud of her. After we left one night, so people confronted her and said we worshiped Joseph Smith and that he wrote the Book of Mormon. She bore her testimony and said the first article of faith, and that Joseph Smith translated the book. She also said that the Book of Mormon is to help us understand the Bible. When I heard this I was smiling from ear to ear and gave her a pound from my fist. It was very special. She is really interesting especially about the Priesthood. She dosnt understand why women dont have the priesthood. That is a great question that Im going to find out for her. Well thats about it. Im still having fun with Elder Russell. Transfers are this next wendsday and we have no Idea what is going to happen. Ill let ya know next week.

Elder Spencer Anderson

1 comment:

Becca Jones said...

Glad to hear you enjoyed Conference! I loved it too! Can't wait for more amazing stories! Keep up the good work and know that you are loved!
-Becca Jones